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Cedarlane Academy

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Chinese 1 & 2

Level 1 – Beginners (year Long course)

Chinese Level 1 is for 6th through 8th grade students. This class introduces students to the language and culture of China. The goal is to develop students’ basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Mandarin Chinese. The emphasis is placed on listening skills and oral language experience through the use of communicative and meaningful input. The Pinyin phonetic system will be introduced to help students to learn accurate Chinese pronunciation. In addition, Chinese culture, practices, costumes, and life of modern Chinese will be introduced through class activities, workshops with consultants, and field trips to museums, markets, and restaurants as well as Chinese traditional performing arts and crafts.

Level 2 – Intermediate (year long course)

At the upper end of the spectrum, this course is designed for students with a higher level of competency in Chinese language. The Intermediate Chinese Course is based firmly on the study of both language and literature. The main focus of this course is on the reinforcement and refinement of language skills, as distinct from language acquisition. In addition, Chinese culture, practices, costumes, and life of modern Chinese will be introduced through class activities, workshops with consultants, and field trips to museums, markets, and restaurants as well as Chinese traditional performing arts and crafts.

DI Chinese Language Arts (Year Long course)  - Mandatory elective for students in Chinese Dual Immersion Program

(Prerequisite: Previous enrollment in Chinese Dual Immersion Program or will need to take a placement test.)

Students in the Mandarin Dual Immersion Program will continue to focus on increasing the Chinese language proficiency and complexity in areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing for everyday communication and cultural awareness. The course is aligned to the District Goals for instruction and meeting the 5 Cs of the World-Readiness Standards: Communication (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. The learning focus of the course includes the literacy in the target language and Social Studies.